Using the Phrase Box

The Phrase box is your primary tool for doing adaptation in Adapt It. It is a box that moves around in the Main window and allows you to enter and change the target text. The target text must be inside the Phrase box for you to edit it.

Movement of the Phrase box

Under normal circumstances the Phrase box moves automatically in the Main window. Once you make an adaptation and press Enter, Adapt It advances the Phrase box skipping over any already entered adaptations until to the next empty location. However, at times you need to move it manually. See Manual movement of Phrase box.

The Phrase box and the Knowledge base

The Phrase box works with the knowledge base to store and retrieve adaptations. As you enter adaptations into the Phrase box and press Enter, Adapt It places them into the knowledge base. As long as you have not pressed Enter, you can make any changes necessary. After this, Adapt It moves the Phrase box to the next eligible location.

As you move the Phrase box Adapt It looks up the source text ahead of the current location to see if any of it is already in the knowledge base and if it can place adaptation automatically. See Automatic Mode Process for more information.

Related Topics

Phrase box

How Adapt It does adaptation

Edit within the phrase box

Delete the target text

Move back to previous phrase box location

Type into the phrase box