Change Export Filter/Options for source or target texts (RTF)

This procedure allows you to control which standard format markers are included in an export of the source or target texts. The default is to Export all markers and associated text including filtered text.

If you want to filter out (omit) certain markers and associated text during export:

  1. Click the Filter out selected markers and associated text from the exported document option.

    Adapt It makes the list box available for editing.

  2. Select a marker you want omitted from the export.

  3. Depending on the buttons available, do one of the following:

  4. Make any adjustments wanted for the Special placement options for back translations, free translations and Adapt It notes exports area at the bottom of the dialog. See Placement of filtered material in source or target RTF exports for more information.

  5. Click OK to accept your choice of options, or Cancel to abandon any export option changes.

    You will return to the main Export Document dialog where you can start (or cancel) the actual export process.



Related Topics

Export Source Text

Export Target Text

Change export filter options for source or target texts in standard format (SFM)

Change Export/Filter Options for interlinear (RTF) text